Protein Powders, What's the Deal, Do We Need Them?

Is a protein shake a daily fixture in your routine?

Protein powders can be an effective way to reach protein targets in times when protein needs are increased. These include athletes, both professional and amateur, injury recovery, and for those that are susceptible to sarcopenia or malnutrition.

There are so many types of protein powders available today making it confusing to know which one is right for you. Unfortunately, many of these contain unwanted ingredients including preservatives, emulsifiers, and sugars so take the time to read the nutritional panel to find a good quality one. Many are also high in lactose and casein which makes digestion difficult for those with a dairy intolerance. If flatulence, bloating, diarrhoea, or reflux occurs after ingestion of a protein powder, using a collagen powder may be a better way for you to increase protein in your diet (even though collagen is an incomplete protein it can help contribute to daily protein intake).

If you are training regularly or recovering from injury and finding it difficult to reach your protein requirements for muscle growth or to prevent muscle loss, the following list will help find one right for you.

  • Whey protein concentrate: High in Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs), fast digesting best in the morning pre & post workout. Contains small amounts of lactose

  • Whey protein isolate: As above

  • Casein: Best before bed to prevent muscle catabolism, slow digesting, High in BCAAs. Not suitable for those with dairy intolerance

  • Pea protein: Low in BCAAs, often poor tasting, best in morning, suitable for vegans

  • Rice protein: Low in BCAAs, best in morning, low bioavailability of protein, incomplete amino acid, suitable for vegans

  • Soy protein: Pre & post workout, suitable for vegans. Cannot be taken with thyroid medications

Several studies have shown Whey protein to be the most superior in stimulating muscle protein synthesis together with resistance training. Casein, if tolerated due to its slow digestion makes a great protein β€œhit” before bed (more on this in another blog!)

If you are looking for a program to tailor your nutritional requirements and get the most out of your training or recovery program, book a consultation using the link below or book a free discovery call.

Ash Hendriks