Essential Oils

Essential oils are the most powerful component of a plant, often known as the lifeblood of the plant as without them the plant would not survive. These ‘oils’ are made from all or any part of the plant including bark, wood, roots, leaves, flowers and peel. Rather than being an oil like a fat/lipid they are instead an extract of the plant. These extracts are removed using processes such as steam distillation, resin tapping and cold pressing.

Essential oils are highly detoxifying, scientific studies showing that pure essential oils carry the highest level of oxygenating molecules of any substance, making pure unadulterated essential oils more powerful than the plant from which it came from.

Pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are potent plant medicine which have been used for millennia as natures first aid kit, supporting everything from sleep, cuts, headaches, pain, digestion, inflammation, muscle tension, teething, insect bites and everything in between.

Essential oils can also be used to replace toxic products including, perfume, insect repellent, chest rub, candles, and other household items.

Unfortunately, not all essential oils are created equally, and many products are unadulterated versions reducing/eliminating the therapeutic value.

To learn more about how essential oils can support your health you can book into an upcoming workshop by sending me a message or click on the link in my bio via my Instagram  @nurtured_bites

To join my Young Living team, click on the link here 

Ash Hendriks